How to block people from posting on your Facebook Timeline

block people from posting on your facebook timelineFacebook is an easy way to stay connected  with friends and family members.But some people on Facebook send unwanted content on their Facebook friends timeline and it’s very irritated and annoyed thing ever. So here i come with how to block people from posting on your Facebook timeline.An interesting thing is you can easily stop or block people from posting on your Facebook timeline without unfriend them on Facebook, just follow the following steps:

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How to block people from posting on your Facebook Timeline

  1. Go to and login to your Facebook account.
  2. Click drop down arrow   in the upper-right corner of any page and select Settingsclick drop down and select settings
  3. On the settings screen look for Timeline and Tagging and click on it.Then on right side you will see the timeline and tagging settings.timeline and tagging  settings
  4. Now under Who can add things to my timeline? find Who can post on your Timeline? and click Edit to the far right.who can add things on my timeline
  5.  Select Only me from the drop-down menu as shown in the only me
  6. You can collapse the section by clicking Close. close

That’s it. Thus you can block people from posting on your  Facebook timeline.This Facebook setting stop people from posting on your Facebook timeline while if you share anything on your timeline people can see your shared content.

SEE MORE: How to Stop People from Tagging You on Their Photos or Posts on Facebook

By Sameer

I'm Sameer Bille, a blogger from Mumbai, India. I started MuchTech as a passion.Here at Much Tech I write about Tech Tips,Tricks and how to guide.

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